ISSN 1683-8742

Volume 2 Number 2 August 2003

Higher Education and Socio-Economic Development: A brief discussion with reference to Bangladesh

Carmen Z. Lamagna

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]

Shibly S. Abdullah

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]


Academic Quality Assessment of AIUB: An Inductive Research Approach.

Carmen Z. Lamagna

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]

Taimur Reza Sharif

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]

Sharmin Jamal – Ena

Stamford University Bangladesh


The public tertiary institutions in Bangladesh have not been enough to meet the increasing demand of higher education. Identifying this as a window of opportunity, a number of private universities has been coming up day by day in Bangladesh. The number of private universities has increased to 52 with some more in the pipeline. Seemingly, the private universities offer a bundle of better facilities such as safe and attractive campus location, library & computer labs, terrorism free campus, full time teacher counseling, etc. Private universities working in Bangladesh vary in size, faculty, location and sponsors. However, most of them have the same objective of providing quality higher education at affordable price. Some of these government-approved universities have become renowned and their contribution to the education sector cannot be overlooked. Since the number of private universities is growing at a remarkable rate, the operational position of the existing universities is becoming tight and customers are going to be in a better position to choose among many options. In line with this, this study aims to conduct an empirical observation on the quality deployment state of private universities of Bangladesh taking a suitable case, namely, American International University – Bangladesh, which has a very fast rate of growth in terms of student enrollments and development activities. The study ends with a SWOT analysis which can be considered as a lesson for the entire private university community in fixing their strategy to compete in the near future. Finally, the generalized form of the concluding comments and recommendations for the entire private university community drawn in connection with AIUB proves the inductive nature of the study.

The Contingent Workforce: Implications for an Employer Responsive Management Curriculum

Kanata A. Jackson

Hampton University Virginia, USA


The purpose of this study was to identify topics, courses, and academic programs that could be offered to college students enrolled in a business program that would enable them to be prepared for and to take advantage of contingent work as a viable employment option. The study findings were presented to the School of Business faculty for consideration in the curriculum and course revision process.

"Does Finance Make a Difference ...?"

Tashfeen Hussain

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]

Sheikh Tareq Selim

American International University – Bangladesh [AIUB]

Shejad Zaved

BBA [finance major] student North South University [NSU]


In this paper, we examine if there exists any causal correlation between financial market development, economic growth and socio economic welfare. Referring to historically established hypotheses regarding the finance-growth nexus, we adopt a less generalized methodology of comparing real financial market and economic indicators of five developing countries over a sample period of 1996-2001. We find a strong observed positive correlation for two countries, observed negative correlation for one country and no observable correlation for two others. We conclude that the causal correlation between financial development and growth cannot be characterized by a generalized rule, and hence varies across cases.

Corporate Governance Index and Capital Market Behavior: Indian Experience

Debasis Bagchi

Deemed University, India


In India, corporate governance codes are recently promulgated. Using sixteen corporate governance attributes, an Index is constructed and its relationship with capital market performance is investigated. Several statistical measures are used in the analysis. The results point out a linkage between corporate governance index and the market performance. The average return is high for high corporate governance index portfolios and low for low index portfolios. If an investment strategy is built up exclusively on governance index, i.e., buying high governance index portfolios and selling low governance index portfolios, a substantial return differential would occur. However, predictability of the index could be improved by further addition of attributes and subjecting the governance index to further analysis by using regression and conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model.

Human Resource Development and Economic Growth: A Critical Analysis with Special Reference to Bangladesh

Md. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury

University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


A person will be human resource only if he or she can be turned into a productive power by acquiring necessary quality and skill through education and training. Human Development Index (HDI) may be included various variables such as life expectancy, literacy rate and real per capita GDP and status of human freedom etc. The author argues that the country should put emphasize the need and role of professional skill in the present day economy where production and service cost are major factors for any organization or country for its survival. He suggests that human resource development should be directed towards attaining the self-sufficiency, poverty alleviation, illiteracy reduction, raising the standard of living of the people.

Management Information System of a Commercial Banking Branch: A Case Study of Kawranbazar Corporate Banking Branch, BSRS

M. Lutfar Rahman

Independent University,Bangladesh

Muhammad Mahboob Ali

Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha, Dhaka


Management information system, in a bank, acts as a supportive and decision making factor for all levels of management i.e., frontline management, middle management and top management by providing routine reports of different branches, departments/divisions of the banks. The study has been undertaken to formulate the possible policies so that proper management information system can be developed in a branch of a bank and as such software is developed. To make the transaction process of the bank faster and easier this study can be regarded as a problem solving technique. The branch server will be set up in the branch where the main database will be stored. In the analysis, all sections of the branch banking activities including cash section are considered under a Local Area Network (LAN). The authors suggest that management information system in branches of the bank can be designed in such a manner that proper branch management, development of the banking activities and branch marketing can be improved. It is observed that with the advancement of modern technology, despite budgetary constraints of local Bangladeshi banks, management information system should be developed for decision making and planning as well as monitoring of successful implementation of business strategy. As such computerization of branches is required and management information system can be used as a supportive tool.

Structural Adjustment Policy and Taxation in Bangladesh: Some Thoughts on Their linkages

Naima Parvin

American International University - Bangladesh [AIUB]

Asif Parvez

American International University - Bangladesh [AIUB]


A major constraint on economic growth and development in Bangladesh has been the low level of domestic resource mobilization resulting in heavy dependence on external assistance to finance development expenditure and consumption needs. The major instrument for mobilizing public resources, as may be found in most small open economies, has been the tax system. There is some structural rigidity inherent in the tax system, which continues to depress the tax revenue-GDP ratio in Bangladesh. The structural adjustment program, carried out in mid eighties for the first phase, and then in late nineties for the second phase, had put strong emphasis on enhancing domestic resources through enhancing the tax effort, subsidy reductions and public sector pricing policies. It played a vital role to mobilize domestic resources through increase in tax revenue collection. Our study examines the major problems of tax structure in Bangladesh and role of taxation in domestic resource mobilization. It also shows various reform measures taken in tax structure and its implication in the economy.

A Critical Study of Common Grammatical Terms and Their Traditional Explanations from Communicative Perspective

Bijoy Bhushon Das

American International University – Bangladesh [AIUB]


Because of globalization, international trade and commerce have received a tremendous boost in the present day world. As a result, world trade is flourishing like anything. This has opened a horizon of new possibilities of jobs and business for a business student. A today’s student of business school from Bangladesh may become an internationally reputed businessman or a business executive in some other part of the world tomorrow. Since English has become the lingua franca of the today’s world, the need for learning English is beyond question. Because the success of a businessman or business executive mainly depends on his success of effective communication. Keeping this in mind all the higher institutes of our country have made English a compulsory subject. As grammatical knowledge of English is essential for writing correctly, our students of business have to study grammar at the initial level. But we have never questioned the validity of many of the grammatical terms. In recent years many new grammars and dictionaries have come up challenging many definitions and examples used in the traditional grammars. In the present article an effort has been made to find out some shortcomings of the traditional grammar so that our classroom teachers of business school will rethink about those shortcomings of the English grammar and it is expected that they will take special care while teaching grammar to our future leaders in the field of business. Since teaching learning of grammar is of great importance in Bangladesh context, the findings of the author are relevant to both business English and general English classes.