ISSN 1683-8742

Volume 2 Number 1 January 2003

An Exploratory Study on the Implication of Virtual University Concept in the Developing Countries.

Carmen Z. Lamagna

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]

Taimur Reza Sharif

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]


Information and Communication Technologies [ICTs] are having a profound impact on learning and teaching in almost all countries, and in all models of education. The impact of these technologies is likely to continue unabated and, therefore, educators find it important to keep themselves abreast of the latest thinking. In this line of thinking, the concept of virtual university [VU] came into existence as the result of the modern ICTs. The main target of this paper is to deal with the relevant issues of VU which are emerging all over the world. Six VU Models from different continents have been brought under study to formulate a suitable VU model for a developing country. This paper has provided a brief description of how the VU models are being implemented in real life and how effectively they are fulfilling the work processes. As a result, this paper has come up with a new extended model of a VU through identifying the common factors of all the existing models. The paper has also identified the cost factors for establishing a VU. For the empirical analysis, the study has chosen a leading private university of Bangladesh, namely, American International University – Bangladesh [AIUB], where the process of virtualizing the physical university activities has been already started. Finally, the study finds the proposed VU model suitable for AIUB where physical- as well as virtual-university may coexist.

Management Education Programs Reviewed for In-Demand Job Skills Content

Kanata A. Jackson

Hampton University Virginia, USA


This paper describes the process used in an organizational behavior course to have students identify those business topics, courses and academic programs needed to take advantage of contingent work as a viable employment option. The study findings were presented to the School of Business faculty for incorporation in the curriculum review process.

Grameen Bank’s Micro-Credit Model: A Comparative Study With Bangladeshi Commercial Banks’ Performance In Micro-Credit Activities

Omar Khaled Rizwanul Bashar

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]

Mohammad Shofiqul Islam

American International University – Bangladesh [AIUB]


Micro-credit has been found the most important tool for fighting with poverty through development of income generating activities among the poor, who do not qualify for bank loans under the traditional banking system. In 1983, Grameen Bank in Bangladesh revolutionized a new banking concept on the fact that credit is a basic human right; poor people must qualify for credits despite their financial and social status. At present, Grameen Bank, which mainly targets the rural women, is the most successful micro-credit institution in the world. Commercial banks in Bangladesh have also been engaged in micro-credit programs aimed at poverty alleviation. However, their success rates in these programs seem unsatisfactory. The study is intended to identify success factors of Grameen Bank, and assess the micro-credit programs of Bangladeshi commercial banks.

Impact on Financial Instruments on Ownership and Risk-Return in Venture Capital Investment

Md. Maksudur Rahman Sarker

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]


This study provides an analytical framework to split cash flows, risk and value of a venture project between the venture capitalist and the entrepreneur under various financial instruments. By introducing the degree of risk aversion of the venture capitalist and the opportunity cost of the entrepreneurial labor services over the life of the project, this report addresses an important issue of the selection of financial instrument (s) which is acceptable to both parties. Through an extended example, the results of the theoretical discussion are derived numerically. A discussion of the restrictive assumptions made for the analysis, and a list of possible extensions is also provided.

Indicators, Measures and Strategies of Sustainability of NGOs in Bangladesh

AKM Saiful Majid

IBA, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

G M Chowdhury

IBA, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


Sustainable development of NGOs is recently a much-acknowledged theme in Bangladesh. This paper constitutes a conceptual review and an empirical exploration concerning relevant indicators, measures, approaches and strategies of NGO sustainability in our country. The study shows that different methodologies, indicators and measures developed by World Bank and other specialists have limited relevance and applicability for Bangladeshi NGOs in general. Sustainability assessment methodology, indicators and measures used for Grameen Bank and BRAC is relatively more integrated and comprehensive in nature, and also is more relevant and meaningful for our local and national NGOs.The empirical investigation reveals that NGO managers consider the sustainable development of their respective NGOs as a “high priority” issue, but they have quite inadequate and confused notions of sustainability, its indicators and measures, and need increased orientation and training on this issue. Almost all NGOs are also experimenting with alternative measures and strategies to achieve sustainability, which in majority cases are limited in effort.

Software Marketing in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects

Muhammad Mahboob Ali

Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha [BSRS]


Bangladesh needs export diversification for improving her economic situation. Export of software in the global environment is beneficial, as exporting of software may be able to increase foreign exchange earnings of the country in a larger volume. Software marketing strategy should be redesigned, which must be accompanied with proper marketing requirement analysis. The author suggests that proper market planning should be accompanied with the implementation. He also comments that more investment and initiatives from the private sector for developing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector are required so that they can act as both complementary and substituting activities of the Government initiations.

Implications of Management Information System in the Bangladesh Army

Muhammad Badr-ul-Islam

(Retired Major of Bangladesh Army)

American International University-Bangladesh [AIUB]


The paper discusses the recent developments of MIS in the world in general and in the Bangladesh Army in particular with the Computer as the mainstay of the system. The paper discusses development of computers, need for a database, MIS & information resource management and end-user computing in the Bangladesh Army. The paper uses examples from the US sports and aviation industries. It suggests methods of improvement in MIS in the Bangladesh Army with some formats of typical major subsystems and uses. The paper concludes by suggestions on improvements of computer use in real time intelligence.

Cross-cultural facets in Business Communication: Corporate Realities and Current Classroom Teaching Trends

Faheem Hasan Shahed

American International University – Bangladesh [AIUB]

A. T. M. Sajedul Huq

BRAC University, Dhaka


In today’s global trend, culture has turned out to be one of the most pivotal aspects in business interactions across countries and continents. Cultural diversities affect—more clearly, dominate—business dealings. Today’s business executives and corporate employees need to have the appropriate communicative skills in terms of cross-cultural dimensions. Business Communication, being a premier course in the Bachelors and Masters level of Business studies, is considered to be the most effective platform to train the business students in this cross-cultural issue of business relations. Apart from dealing with business letters, interoffice correspondence, report writing and organizational affairs, Business Communication is supposed to provide all necessary inputs regarding cross-cultural features that would enable the students to cope with the present realities of the corporate world—both nationally and internationally. But, the pertinent queries are: To what extent is cross-cultural communication being taken care of in the teaching-learning of Business Communication? In other words, how far are our students of different business schools being equipped to meet the challenges of communicative complexities that result from cultural diversities around the world? How far are innovation and idea generation encouraged in the Business Communication classrooms? How interesting and inventive is the teaching method to the students? Is the syllabus of this course being updated and modernized keeping in pace with the changing corporate culture of our country, as well as of our neighboring nations with whom we are in the process of opening new business frontiers? Our study has aimed at discovering these realities of classroom situation in Business Communication with regard to the gradual changes in the present corporate culture.